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Patrick Pasmans 5 juni 2023 20230605_110808 (3).jpg


Ik ben gespecialiseerd in familierecht, burgerlijk recht, handelsrecht en vennootschapsrecht, intellectuele rechten (auteursrecht en rechten van uitvoerende kunstenaars, patentenrecht), geschillen m.b.t. erfgoed, sociaal recht en geschillenbeslechting in onderwijszaken en met de overheid.

I am specialized in family law, civil law, commercial law and company law, intellectual property law (copyright and rights of performing artists, patent law), heritage disputes, social law and dispute resolution in educational matters and with the government.


Master of Laws (LL.M), Economic Law / Intellectual property laws,  V.U. Brussels
Postgraduate Tutor of teachers, K.H. Limburg
Postgraduate Mediation for family disputes, University of Antwerp
Postgraduate Mediation for civil and commercial disputes, University of Antwerp
Postgraduate Mediation for disputes with the government, Catholic University of Leuven
Postgraduate Mediation for employment disputes, Vives University College, Kortrijk

1991-2007 : teacher for Civil Law, Administrative Law, Social and Economic Law (Brussels)
                     Trainer in communication and management skills   (Brussels)
2007-2020: pedagogical advisor for Syntra Vlaanderen
                     Responsible for the provincial administration of the Agency in the province of Limburg.
2020-2021 : assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leuven for the postgraduate training for mediators.
2021-          : teacher at the Vives University College for social law and international mediations.

more details: see my Linkedin-profile

In addition to my professional activities, I am also a numismatist (see my Academia profile) and secretary of the Oriental Numismatic Society (for Europe)


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